Take-home Exercise 3: Predicting HDB Public Housing Resale Pricies using Geographically Weighted Methods


March 9, 2023


March 26, 2023

1 Overview

1.1 Background

Housing is an essential component of household wealth worldwide. Buying a housing has always been a major investment for most people. The price of housing is affected by many factors. Some of them are global in nature such as the general economy of a country or inflation rate. Others can be more specific to the properties themselves. These factors can be further divided to structural and locational factors.

Structural factors are variables related to the property themselves such as the size, fitting, and tenure of the property. Locational factors are variables related to the neighbourhood of the properties such as proximity to childcare centre, public transport service and shopping centre.

1.2 Problem

Conventional, housing resale prices predictive models were built by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. However, this method failed to take into consideration that spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity exists in geographic data sets such as housing transactions.

With the existence of spatial autocorrelation, the OLS estimation of predictive housing resale pricing models could lead to biased, inconsistent, or inefficient results (Anselin 1998). In view of this limitation, Geographical Weighted Models were introduced for calibrating predictive models for housing resale prices.

1.3 Task

In this take-home exercise, we will be creating models to predict HDB resale prices at the sub-market level (i.e. HDB 3-room, HDB 4-room and HDB 5-room) for the month of January and February 2023 in Singapore.

We will be building the models using both the conventional OLS and GWR method. We will then compare the performance of the conventional OLS method versus the geographical weighted methods.

2 Data

2.1 Aspatial Data

2.2 Geospatial Data

Name Format Source
MPSZ-2019 .shp From Prof. Kam’s In-Class Exercise Data
MRT Locations .shp LTA Data Mall
Bustop Locations .shp LTA Data Mall
Eldercare Services .shp data.gov.sg
Hawker Centers .geojson data.gov.sg
Parks .shp data.gov.sg
Supermarkets .geojson data.gov.sg
CHAS Clinics .geojson data.gov.sg
Childcare Centers .geojson data.gov.sg
Kindergarten/Preschool .geojson data.gov.sg
Shopping Malls .csv Mall Coordinates Web Scraper
Primary Schools (extracted from the list on General information of schools) .csv data.gov.sg
Good Primary Schools - 2022 Primary School Rankings

3 Packages

The packages we will be using in this analysis are:

  • olsrr: R package for building OLS and performing diagnostics tests

  • corrplot: Multivariate data visualisation and analysis

  • ggpubr: creating and customising ggplot2 based publication ready plots

  • sf: importing, managing and processing geospatial data

  • spdep: creating spatial weight matrix objects, global and spatial autocorrelation statistics and related calculations

  • tmap: choropleth mapping

  • tidyverse: attribute data handing

  • httr: httr: Useful tools for working with HTTP organised by HTTP verbs (GET(), POST(), etc). Configuration functions make it easy to control additional request components (authenticate(), add_headers() and so on).

    • In this analysis, it will be used to send GET requests to OneMapAPI SG to retrieve the coordinates of addresses.
  • jsonlite: A simple and robust JSON parser and generator for R. It offers simple, flexible tools for working with JSON in R, and is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API.

  • SpatialML: To calibrate our geographical weighted random forest algorithm

pacman::p_load(olsrr, corrplot, ggpubr, sf, spdep, tmap, tidyverse, httr, jsonlite, GWmodel, SpatialML)

4 Aspatial Data Wrangling

4.1 Importing Aspatial Data

First, we will be using read_csv() to import resale-flat-prices.csv into R as a tibble data frame.

resale <- read_csv("data/aspatial/resale-flat-prices.csv")

Since the study requires us to focus on either three-room, four-room or five-room flat, I have decided to focus on 4 room flats. Hence, we need to filter the data to extract out the necessary data required.

5 Filter Resale Data

filter() from dplyr is used to select the desired flat_type and stores it in resale dataframe.

resale <- resale %>%
  filter(flat_type == "4 ROOM")

5.1 Transforming Resale Data

5.1.1 Creating New Columns

We will be creating new columns using mutate():

  • address: concatenating block and street_name together using paste() function

  • remaining_lease_yr & remaining_lease_mth: splitting the year and months of the remaining_lease column using str_sub() and then converting the characters into integers using as.integer()

resale_transform <- resale %>%
  mutate(resale, address = paste(block,street_name)) %>%
  mutate(resale, remaining_lease_yr = as.integer(str_sub(remaining_lease, 0, 2))) %>%
  mutate(resale, remaining_lease_mth = as.integer(str_sub(remaining_lease, 9, 11)))

5.1.2 Summing up remaining lease in months

Now we will replace NA values in the remaining_lease_mth column with 0 using is.na(). After which, we will multiply remaining_lease_yr by 12 to convert it into months. Then, we will create another column called “remaining_lease_mths” which sums the remaining_lease_year and remaining_lease_mth columns using rowSums().

resale_transform$remaining_lease_mth[is.na(resale_transform$remaining_lease_mth)] <- 0
resale_transform$remaining_lease_yr <- resale_transform$remaining_lease_yr * 12
resale_transform <- resale_transform %>% 
  mutate(resale_transform, remaining_lease_mths = rowSums(resale_transform[, c("remaining_lease_yr", "remaining_lease_mth")])) %>%
  select(month, town, address, block, street_name, flat_type, storey_range, floor_area_sqm, flat_model, 
         lease_commence_date, remaining_lease_mths, resale_price)

5.1.3 Retrieving Postal Codes and Coordinates of Addresses

Now we will be retrieving postal codes and coordinates of the addresses so that we can get their proximity to locational factors.

Creating a list storing unique addresses

We create a list to store unique addresses to ensure that we do not run the GET request more than what is necessary We can also sort it to make it easier for us to see at which address the GET request will fail. Here, we use unique() function of base R package to extract the unique addresses then use sort() function of base R package to sort the unique vectors.

add_list <- sort(unique(resale_transform$address))

Creating a function to retrieve coordinates

Now we will create a function called get_coords to retrieve the coordinates from the OneMap.SG API.

  1. Create a dataframe called postal_coords to store all the final retrieved coordinates

  2. Use GET() function from httr package to make a GET request to the API

    • OneMap SG offers functions for us to query spatial data from the API in a tidy format and provides additional functionalities to allow easy data manipulation.

    • Here, we will be using their REST APIs to search address data for a given search value and retrieve the coordinates of the searched location.

    • The required variables to be included in the GET request is as follows:

      • searchVal: Keywords entered by user that is used to filter out the results.

      • returnGeom {Y/N}: Checks if user wants to return the geometry.

      • getAddrDetails {Y/N}: Checks if user wants to return address details for a point.

  3. Create a dataframe new_row which stores each final set of coordinates retrieved during the loop

  4. Check the number of responses returned and append to the main dataframe accordingly. We do this because:

    • Num of returned responses of the searched location varies because some locations have only 1 result while others have multiple. Hence we need to first look at only those that do not have empty postal codes then take the first set of coordinates

    • We can check to see if an address is invalid by looking at the number of rows returned by the request

  5. Lastly, we will append the returned response (new_row) with the necessary fields to the main dataframe (postal_coords) using rbind() function of base R package.

get_coords <- function(add_list){
  # Create a data frame to store all retrieved coordinates
  postal_coords <- data.frame()
  for (i in add_list){

    r <- GET('https://developers.onemap.sg/commonapi/search?',
    data <- fromJSON(rawToChar(r$content))
    found <- data$found
    res <- data$results
    # Create a new data frame for each address
    new_row <- data.frame()
    # If single result, append 
    if (found == 1){
      postal <- res$POSTAL 
      lat <- res$LATITUDE
      lng <- res$LONGITUDE
      new_row <- data.frame(address= i, postal = postal, latitude = lat, longitude = lng)
    # If multiple results, drop NIL and append top 1
    else if (found > 1){
      # Remove those with NIL as postal
      res_sub <- res[res$POSTAL != "NIL", ]
      # Set as NA first if no Postal
      if (nrow(res_sub) == 0) {
          new_row <- data.frame(address= i, postal = NA, latitude = NA, longitude = NA)
        top1 <- head(res_sub, n = 1)
        postal <- top1$POSTAL 
        lat <- top1$LATITUDE
        lng <- top1$LONGITUDE
        new_row <- data.frame(address= i, postal = postal, latitude = lat, longitude = lng)

    else {
      new_row <- data.frame(address= i, postal = NA, latitude = NA, longitude = NA)
    # Add the row
    postal_coords <- rbind(postal_coords, new_row)

Calling the function to retrieve coordinates

coords <- get_coords(add_list)

Inspecting results

Here, we check whether the relevant columns contains any NA values with is.na() function of base R package and also “NIL”.

coords[(is.na(coords$postal) | is.na(coords$latitude) | is.na(coords$longitude) | coords$postal=="NIL"), ]

From this, we notice that the address “215 CHOA CHU KANG CTRL” and “216 CHOA CHU KANG CTRL” do not have a postal code but has geographic coordinates. Upon further research, it has the postal code 608215 and 680216 respectively. However, as the API returned the same set of coordinates for both of these addresses, we shall proceed with keeping them as we are more interested in the coordinates for our analysis later on.

Combining resale and coordinates data

After retrieving the coordinates, we should combine the successful ones with our transformed resale dataset. We can do this by using left_join() function of dplyr package.

rs_coords <- left_join(resale_transform, coords, by = c('address' = 'address'))

5.2 Creating rds file

Now that the resale dataset is now complete with the coordinates, we can save it in an rds file. This also prevents is from needing to run the GET request everytime.

rs_coords_rds <- write_rds(rs_coords, "data/rds/rs_coords.rds")

5.3 Importing RDS file

rs_coords <- read_rds("data/rds/rs_coords.rds")

5.3.1 Transform and Checking CRS

Since the coordinates (latitude and longitude) are in decimal degrees, the projected CRS is WGS84. We will need to assign them WGS84’s EPSG code 4326 first before transforming it to 3414, the EPSG code for SVY21. st_as_sf() converts the dataframe into an sf object, then st_transform() transforms the coordinates into the appropriate CRS.

rs_coords_sf <- st_as_sf(rs_coords,
                    coords = c("longitude", 
                    crs=4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)


6 Locational Factors Data Wrangling

6.1 Locational Factors with geographic coordinates

6.1.1 Importing Data & Checking CRS

eldercare <- st_read(dsn = "data/locational", layer = "ELDERCARE")
mrt <- st_read(dsn = "data/locational", layer = "Train_Station_Exit_Layer")
bus <- st_read(dsn = "data/locational", layer = "BusStop")
parks <- st_read(dsn = "data/locational", layer = "NATIONALPARKS")
hawker <- st_read("data/locational/hawker-centres-geojson.geojson")
supermarket <- st_read("data/locational/supermarkets.geojson")
clinic <- st_read("data/locational/moh-chas-clinics.geojson")
childcare <- st_read("data/locational/childcare.geojson")
kindergarten <- st_read("data/locational/preschools-location.geojson")
malls <- read_csv("data/locational/mall_coordinates_updated.csv")
mall_sf <- st_as_sf(malls, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs=4326)

From the Results:

  • Datasets with WGS48 Geodetic CRS: hawker, supermarket, clinic, childcare, kindergarten, malls_sf. We will need to transform the CRS into SVY21

  • Datasets with SVY21 as Projected CRS: eldercare, mrt, bus, parks. For all of them, the EPSG code is 9001, which is wrong. We need to change the CRS into the correct EPSG code for SVY21, 3414

6.1.2 Assigning EPSG code and Transforming CRS

eldercare <- st_set_crs(eldercare, 3414)
mrt <- st_set_crs(mrt, 3414)
bus <- st_set_crs(bus, 3414)
parks <- st_set_crs(parks, 3414)

hawker <- hawker %>%
supermarket <- supermarket %>%
clinic <- clinic %>%
childcare <- childcare %>%
kindergarten <- kindergarten %>%
mall_sf <- st_transform(mall_sf, crs=3414)

From the above results, we can see that the EPSG code of all the data has now been assigned correctly and they are all EPSG 3414.

6.1.3 Calculating Proximity Creating get_prox function

get_prox <- function(origin_df, dest_df, col_name){
  # creates a matrix of distances
  dist_matrix <- st_distance(origin_df, dest_df)           
  # find the nearest location_factor and create new data frame
  near <- origin_df %>% 
    mutate(PROX = apply(dist_matrix, 1, function(x) min(x)) / 1000) 
  # rename column name according to input parameter
  names(near)[names(near) == 'PROX'] <- col_name

  # Return df

What the code does:

  • create a matrix of distances between the HDB and the locational factor using st_distance of sf package.

  • get the nearest point of the locational factor by looking at the minimum distance using min function of base R package then add it to HDB resale data under a new column using mutate() function of dpylr package.

  • rename the column name according to input given by user so that the columns have appropriate and distinct names that are different from one another. Calling get_prox function

We will be calling the function to get the proximity of the resale HDB flats and the locational factors such as: Eldercare, MRT, Hawker, Parks, Supermarkets, Clinics

Then we will create a new column in rs_coords_sf dataframe to store the proximity

rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, eldercare, "PROX_ELDERLYCARE") 
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, mrt, "PROX_MRT") 
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, hawker, "PROX_HAWKER") 
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, parks, "PROX_PARK") 
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, supermarket, "PROX_SUPERMARKET")
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, clinic, "PROX_CLINIC")
rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, mall_sf, "PROX_MALL")

6.1.4 Creating get_within function

Now we will create a get_within function to calculate the number of factors within a specific distance.

get_within <- function(origin_df, dest_df, threshold_dist, col_name){
  # creates a matrix of distances
  dist_matrix <- st_distance(origin_df, dest_df)   
  # count the number of location_factors within threshold_dist and create new data frame
  wdist <- origin_df %>% 
    mutate(WITHIN_DT = apply(dist_matrix, 1, function(x) sum(x <= threshold_dist)))
  # rename column name according to input parameter
  names(wdist)[names(wdist) == 'WITHIN_DT'] <- col_name

  # Return df

What the function does:

  • create a matrix of distances between the HDB and the locational factor using st_distance of sf package.

  • get the sum of points of the locational factor that are within the threshold distance using sum function of base R package then add it to HDB resale data under a new column using mutate() function of dpylr package.

  • rename the column name according to input given by user so that the columns have appropriate and distinct names that are different from one another. Calling get_within function

Here, we call the get_within function created earlier to get the number of locational factors that are within a certain threshold distance.

The threshold we set it to will be Within 350m for locational factors such as, Kindergartens, Childcare centres and Bus stops.

rs_coords_sf <- get_within(rs_coords_sf, kindergarten, 350, "WITHIN_350M_KINDERGARTEN")
rs_coords_sf <- get_within(rs_coords_sf, childcare, 350, "WITHIN_350M_CHILDCARE")
rs_coords_sf <- get_within(rs_coords_sf, bus, 350, "WITHIN_350M_BUS")

6.2 Locational Factors without geographic coordinates

In this section, we retrieve those locational factors that are not easily obtainable from data.gov.sg and/or does not have any geographic coordinates.

6.2.1 CBD

We are required to get the proximity of the resale HDBs to the CBD. Based on a quick search, the latitude and longitude of Downtown Core (also known as CBD) are 1.287953 and 103.851784 respectively.

Since we already have the geographic coordinates of the resale data, we just need to convert the latitude and longitude of CBD into EPSG 3414 (SVY21) before running the get_prox function.

We will first create a dataframe consisting of the latitude and longitude coordinates of the CBD area then transform it to EPSG 3414 (SVY21) format.

Storing CDB coordinates in a dataframe:

name <- c('CBD Area')
latitude= c(1.287953)
longitude= c(103.851784)
cbd_coords <- data.frame(name, latitude, longitude)

Assigning and transforming CRS

cbd_coords_sf <- st_as_sf(cbd_coords,
                    coords = c("longitude", 
                    crs=4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)


Calling get_prox function

rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, cbd_coords_sf, "PROX_CBD")

6.2.2 Primary Schools

Reading CSV File

pri_sch <- read_csv("data/locational/general-information-of-schools.csv")

Extracting Primary Schools and Required Columns

pri_sch <- pri_sch %>%
  filter(mainlevel_code == "PRIMARY") %>%
  select(school_name, address, postal_code, mainlevel_code)

Creating a list to store postal codes

prisch_list <- sort(unique(pri_sch$postal_code))

Calling get_coords function to get coordinates of Primary Schools

prisch_coords <- get_coords(prisch_list)
prisch_coords[(is.na(prisch_coords$postal) | is.na(prisch_coords$latitude) | is.na(prisch_coords$longitude)),]

The postal codes of the schools with NA values in the postal code, latitude and longitude are:

  • 319133 (Pei Chun Public School)
  • 228091 (St. Margaret’s Primary School)

This is due to the postal codes and the addresses in our data not matching with the postal codes and addresses in the API. Let’s quickly modify those:

#Pei Chun Public School
pri_sch[pri_sch$school_name == "PEI CHUN PUBLIC SCHOOL", "address"] <- "16 LORONG 7 TOA PAYOH"
pri_sch[pri_sch$school_name == "PEI CHUN PUBLIC SCHOOL", "postal_code"] <- "319320"

#St. Margaret's Primary School
pri_sch[pri_sch$school_name == "ST. MARGARET'S PRIMARY SCHOOL", "address"] <- "2 MATTAR ROAD"
pri_sch[pri_sch$school_name == "ST. MARGARET'S PRIMARY SCHOOL", "postal_code"] <- "387724"

Updating the coordinates dataframe again:

prisch_list <- sort(unique(pri_sch$postal_code))
prisch_coords <- get_coords(prisch_list)

Checking again to make sure we have no more NA values:

prisch_coords[(is.na(prisch_coords$postal) | is.na(prisch_coords$latitude) | is.na(prisch_coords$longitude)),]

0 rows with NA values.

Combining coordinates with Primary School Names

Here, we combine the retrieved coordinates with the df that has the Primary School Names so that we can verify whether we have extracted it correctly. We combine it using the left_join function of dplyr package.

prisch_coords = prisch_coords[c("postal","latitude", "longitude")]
pri_sch <- left_join(pri_sch, prisch_coords, by = c('postal_code' = 'postal'))

Checking again for any NA values:

pri_sch[(is.na(pri_sch$latitude) | is.na(pri_sch$longitude)),]

We have successfully retrived all the coordinates of the primary schools.

Converting pri_sch dataframe into an sf object and transforming CRS

We will use st_as_sf() function of sf package to convert the data frame into sf object, and then use st_transform() function of sf package to transform the coordinates of the sf object.

prisch_sf <- st_as_sf(pri_sch,
                    coords = c("longitude", 
                    crs=4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)


Calling get_within function

Now we will call the get_within function to get the number of primary schools within the 1km threshold.

rs_coords_sf <- get_within(rs_coords_sf, prisch_sf, 1000, "WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH")

6.2.3 Good Primary Schools

We need to extract the list of “good” primary schools from online websites since there are no datasets available. In particular, we can look at salary.sg for the list of Best Primary Schools of 2022. Here is the top 10 list:

#creating a dataframe to store the schools
                 "CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL",
                 "TAO NAN SCHOOL",
                 "NAN HUA PRIMARY SCHOOL",
                 "ADMIRALTY PRIMARY SCHOOL",
                 "SAINT. HILDA'S PRIMARY SCHOOL",
                 "AI TONG SCHOOL")
top_good_pri <- data.frame(school_name)

Getting coordinates of the schools

We can call out get_coords function to retrieve the coordinates of the top 10 primary schools. But first, we need to store the school names in a list.

good_pri_list <- unique(top_good_pri$school_name)
goodprisch_coords <- get_coords(good_pri_list)

Inspecting results

goodprisch_coords[(is.na(goodprisch_coords$postal) | is.na(goodprisch_coords$latitude) | is.na(goodprisch_coords$longitude)), ]

No values with NA, all the coordinates of the good primary schools have been retrived successfully.

Converting goodprisch_coords dataframe into an sf object and transforming CRS

goodpri_sf <- st_as_sf(goodprisch_coords,
                    coords = c("longitude", 
                    crs=4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 3414)

Getting proximity to good primary schools

Now we call the get_prox function to get the proximity of the HDB flats and good primary schools.

rs_coords_sf <- get_prox(rs_coords_sf, goodpri_sf, "PROX_GOOD_PRISCH")

6.3 Writing to RDS file

Now our resale data is complete with all the locational factors. We can save it in an rds file so that we do not have to keep running all the codes above.

rs_factors_rds <- write_rds(rs_coords_sf, "data/rds/rs_factors.rds")

7 Encoding Locational Factors

7.1 Reading RDS File

rs_sf <- read_rds("data/rds/rs_factors.rds")

From the dataframe, we can see that storey_range is in character type. It is a categorical variable, which cannot be used in the regression equation just as it is. It needs to be recoded into a series of variables which then can be used in the regression model.

We can use “dummy coding” where it consists of creating dichotomous variables where each level of the categorical variable is contrasted to a specified reference level.

However, some categorical variables have levels that are ordered. Hence, they can be converted to numerical values instead and used as is. In this scenario, storey_range can be ranked from low to high. By doing so, we can gain insight as to whether higher/lower floors affect the resale price.

Hence, instead of using dummy variables, we will be using sorting the storey_range categorical variable and assigning numerical values that are in ascending order.

7.2 Extracting unique storey_range and sort

storeys <- sort(unique(rs_sf$storey_range))

7.3 Creating dataframe storey_range_order to store the order of storey_range

storey_order <- 1:length(storeys)
storey_range_order <- data.frame(storeys, storey_order)


7.4 Combining storey_order with resale dataframe

rs_sf <- left_join(rs_sf, storey_range_order, by= c("storey_range" = "storeys"))


7.5 Selecting required columns for analysis

rs_req <- rs_sf %>%
  select(month, resale_price, floor_area_sqm, storey_order, remaining_lease_mths,

7.6 Writing to rds file

This is the final resale data file we will use for our model later.

resale_final <- write_rds(rs_req, "data/rds/resale_final.rds")

7.7 Viewing Summary

resale_final <- read_rds("data/rds/resale_final.rds")
    month            resale_price     floor_area_sqm    storey_order   
 Length:61961       Min.   : 218000   Min.   : 70.00   Min.   : 1.000  
 Class :character   1st Qu.: 385000   1st Qu.: 91.00   1st Qu.: 2.000  
 Mode  :character   Median : 446000   Median : 93.00   Median : 3.000  
                    Mean   : 475349   Mean   : 95.08   Mean   : 3.364  
                    3rd Qu.: 528000   3rd Qu.:102.00   3rd Qu.: 4.000  
                    Max.   :1370000   Max.   :145.00   Max.   :17.000  
 remaining_lease_mths    PROX_CBD       PROX_ELDERLYCARE  PROX_HAWKER     
 Min.   : 517.0       Min.   : 0.9994   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.03046  
 1st Qu.: 799.0       1st Qu.: 9.8417   1st Qu.:0.3148   1st Qu.:0.38411  
 Median : 944.0       Median :13.2615   Median :0.6230   Median :0.66519  
 Mean   : 941.2       Mean   :12.3244   Mean   :0.8013   Mean   :0.77650  
 3rd Qu.:1109.0       3rd Qu.:15.1536   3rd Qu.:1.1121   3rd Qu.:0.99302  
 Max.   :1171.0       Max.   :19.6501   Max.   :3.3016   Max.   :2.86763  
 Min.   :0.02179   Min.   :0.04422   Min.   :0.07076   Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.:0.26848   1st Qu.:0.51139   1st Qu.:1.90254   1st Qu.:0.3654  
 Median :0.47611   Median :0.72548   Median :3.14692   Median :0.5687  
 Mean   :0.55589   Mean   :0.83752   Mean   :3.25342   Mean   :0.6465  
 3rd Qu.:0.75320   3rd Qu.:1.04176   3rd Qu.:4.44199   3rd Qu.:0.8416  
 Max.   :2.12909   Max.   :2.66145   Max.   :8.76399   Max.   :2.3385  
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 0.000          
 1st Qu.:0.1187   1st Qu.:0.1693   1st Qu.: 3.000          
 Median :0.1817   Median :0.2546   Median : 5.000          
 Mean   :0.1994   Mean   :0.2790   Mean   : 4.845          
 3rd Qu.:0.2600   3rd Qu.:0.3642   3rd Qu.: 6.000          
 Max.   :0.8699   Max.   :1.5713   Max.   :23.000          
 Min.   : 0.000        Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :0.000     POINT        :61961  
 1st Qu.: 3.000        1st Qu.: 6.000   1st Qu.:2.000     epsg:3414    :    0  
 Median : 4.000        Median : 8.000   Median :3.000     +proj=tmer...:    0  
 Mean   : 3.914        Mean   : 8.018   Mean   :3.239                          
 3rd Qu.: 5.000        3rd Qu.:10.000   3rd Qu.:4.000                          
 Max.   :20.000        Max.   :19.000   Max.   :9.000                          

8 Geospatial Data Wrangling

8.1 Importing Geospatial Data

mpsz <- st_read(dsn = "data/geospatial", layer = "MPSZ-2019")
Reading layer `MPSZ-2019' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 332 features and 6 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 103.6057 ymin: 1.158699 xmax: 104.0885 ymax: 1.470775
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Obtaining coordinate system using st_crs()

Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: WGS 84 
    DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
        ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,

The projected CRS for mpsz dataframe is WGS84, but we need it to be in SVY21 with EPSG code 3414.

mpsz <- st_transform(mpsz, 3414)
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: EPSG:3414 
PROJCRS["SVY21 / Singapore TM",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    CONVERSION["Singapore Transverse Mercator",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",1.36666666666667,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",103.833333333333,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",1,
        PARAMETER["False easting",28001.642,
        PARAMETER["False northing",38744.572,
        AXIS["northing (N)",north,
        AXIS["easting (E)",east,
        SCOPE["Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
        AREA["Singapore - onshore and offshore."],

Its is now in the correct EPSG code.

Checking for invalid geometry:

length(which(st_is_valid(mpsz) == FALSE))
[1] 6
#making the geometries valid
mpsz <- st_make_valid(mpsz)
length(which(st_is_valid(mpsz) == FALSE))
[1] 0
     xmin      ymin      xmax      ymax 
 2667.538 15748.721 56396.440 50256.334 

9 Exploratory Data Analysis

9.1 Statistical Graphs

We can plot the distribution of resale_price.

ggplot(data=resale_final, aes(x=`resale_price`)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=20, color="black", fill="light blue")

There is a right skewed distribution, meaning that more of the 4-Room flats were transacted at relative lower prices. Statistically, the skewed distribution can be normalised by doing log transformation. We can derive a new variable called log_resale_price by doing a log transformation on the variable resale_price by using mutate() of dplyr package.

resale_final <- resale_final %>%
  mutate(`log_resale_price` = log(resale_price))

Plotting the distribution of log_resale_price:

ggplot(data=resale_final, aes(x=`log_resale_price`)) +
  geom_histogram(bins=20, color="black", fill="light blue")

We can see that the post-transformation distribution is relatively less skewed, but we will still use the original resale_price variable as log_resale_price has high correlation with actual resale price.

10 Predictive Modelling

Now we will be creating predictive models to predict the HDB resale prices. We will be using the Ordinary Least Squares method and Geographical Weighted Random Forest Method.

10.1 Preparing Data

10.1.1 Reading Data

resale_final <- read_rds("data/rds/resale_final.rds")

10.1.2 Data Sampling

We need to split our data into training and testing data. From the requirements of the assignment, our training data is data from 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2022 while our training data is data between January and February 2023.

train_data <- resale_final %>% filter(month >= "2021-01" & month <= "2022-12")
test_data <- resale_final %>% filter(month >= "2023-01" & month <= "2023-02")
write_rds(train, "data/rds/train.rds")
write_rds(test, "data/rds/test.rds")

10.2 Computing Correlation Matrix

Before loading the variables into a predictive model, we need to ensure that our variables are not highly correlated with each other, because using highly correlated variables in our model will compromise the quality of our model as it will be skewed towards the collinear variables.

resale_nogeo <- resale_final %>%
corrplot::corrplot(cor(resale_nogeo[, 2:17]), 
                   diag = FALSE, 
                   order = "AOE",
                   tl.pos = "td", 
                   tl.cex = 0.5, 
                   method = "number", 
                   type = "upper")

Based on this, the variables WITHIN_350M_KINDERGARTEN and WITHIN_350M_CHILDCARE have a high positive correlation (0.91). This is likely because some childcare centers are also considered to be kindergartens as well. Hence we will drop the WITHIN_350_CHILDCARE variable for subsequent modelling.

10.3 Retrieving Stored Data

train_data <- read_rds("data/rds/train.rds")
test_data <- read_rds("data/rds/test.rds")

11 Building a non-spatial Multiple Linear Regression model

price_mlr <- lm(resale_price ~ floor_area_sqm +
                  storey_order + remaining_lease_mths +
                  WITHIN_350M_BUS + WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH,
write_rds(price_mlr, "data/rds/price_mlr.rds")
price_mlr <- read_rds("data/rds/price_mlr.rds")

lm(formula = resale_price ~ floor_area_sqm + storey_order + remaining_lease_mths + 
    WITHIN_350M_BUS + WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH, data = train)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-378846  -44193    -466   45248  392343 

                           Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)               89969.053   8028.126   11.207  < 2e-16 ***
floor_area_sqm             3435.672     68.948   49.830  < 2e-16 ***
storey_order              16233.828    227.195   71.453  < 2e-16 ***
remaining_lease_mths        347.776      3.191  108.990  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_CBD                 -15982.636    153.206 -104.321  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_ELDERLYCARE          -6294.118    781.114   -8.058 8.13e-16 ***
PROX_HAWKER              -20214.410    946.856  -21.349  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_MRT                 -29133.168   1322.028  -22.037  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_PARK                  5264.408   1042.177    5.051 4.42e-07 ***
PROX_MALL                -17752.299   1331.878  -13.329  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_GOOD_PRISCH          -3177.914    284.756  -11.160  < 2e-16 ***
PROX_SUPERMARKET           7599.888   3101.589    2.450   0.0143 *  
WITHIN_350M_KINDERGARTEN   -860.577    210.862   -4.081 4.49e-05 ***
WITHIN_350M_BUS            1240.502    165.170    7.510 6.10e-14 ***
WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH        -10697.646    349.536  -30.605  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 68710 on 23641 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7187,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.7185 
F-statistic:  4314 on 14 and 23641 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

11.1 Predicting using Test Data

mlr_pred <- predict.lm(price_mlr, test_data)

Saving the output into an rds file:

mlr_pred <- write_rds(mlr_pred, "data/rds/mlr_pred.rds")

11.1.1 Converting output into a dataframe

mlr_pred <- read_rds("data/rds/mlr_pred.rds")
mlr_pred_df <- as.data.frame(mlr_pred)

test_data_p_mlr <- cbind(test_data, mlr_pred_df)

11.1.2 Calculating RMSE

Root mean square error (RMSE) allows us to measure how far predicted values are from observed values in a regression analysis. rmse() of Metrics package is used to compute the RMSE.

[1] 82423.4

11.2 Visualising Predicted Values

OLS_scatterplot <- ggplot(data = test_data_p_mlr,
       aes(x = mlr_pred,
           y = resale_price)) +


12 Building Geographical Weighted Random Forest Predictive Model

12.1 Retrieving stored data

train_data <- read_rds("data/rds/train.rds")
test_data <- read_rds("data/rds/test.rds")

12.2 Scaling Training Data

As the computation time for the original training data set takes too long on my computer, I have decided to scale down the training data to the latest 5 months of data (August to December 2022), so that the I can still calibrate a model and do the prediction.

train_data_scaled <- train_data %>% filter(month >= "2022-08" & month <= "2022-12")

Saving as rds file:

write_rds(train_data_scaled, "data/rds/train_data_scaled.rds")

12.3 Retrieving scaled training data

train_data_scaled <- read_rds("data/rds/train_data_scaled.rds")
train_data_sp <- as_Spatial(train_data_scaled)
class       : SpatialPointsDataFrame 
features    : 4733 
extent      : 11655.33, 42645.18, 28330.23, 48675.05  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs         : +proj=tmerc +lat_0=1.36666666666667 +lon_0=103.833333333333 +k=1 +x_0=28001.642 +y_0=38744.572 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
variables   : 18
names       :   month, resale_price, floor_area_sqm, storey_order, remaining_lease_mths,          PROX_CBD,     PROX_ELDERLYCARE,        PROX_HAWKER,           PROX_MRT,          PROX_PARK,  PROX_GOOD_PRISCH,            PROX_MALL,         PROX_CLINIC,     PROX_SUPERMARKET, WITHIN_350M_KINDERGARTEN, ... 
min values  : 2022-08,       325000,             74,            1,                  542, 0.999393538715878, 1.98943787433087e-08, 0.0395321340230547, 0.0217933772276802, 0.0442179536967566, 0.117653336456023, 2.21189111471176e-12, 5.7601157446257e-09, 1.21715176356525e-07,                        0, ... 
max values  : 2022-12,      1370000,            126,           17,                 1148,  19.4237844042343,      3.2823136575237,   2.80237498784495,   2.12908590009577,   2.66145274727399,   8.6550509283742,     2.28266595414586,   0.869920099464176,     1.36375821567757,                       23, ... 

12.4 Computing Adaptive Bandwidth

Next, we will use bw.gwr() package from GWmodel to determine the optimal bandwidth to be used.

bw_adaptive <- bw.gwr(resale_price ~ floor_area_sqm +
                  storey_order + remaining_lease_mths +
                  PROX_MRT + PROX_PARK + PROX_MALL + 
                  WITHIN_350M_BUS + WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH,

Screenshot of the output:

The results show that 34 neighbour points will be the optimal bandwidth to be used for the adaptive bandwidth.

write_rds(bw_adaptive, "data/rds/bw_adaptive.rds")

12.5 Preparing Coordinates Data

12.5.1 Extracting Coordinates Data

We will extract the x and y coordinates of the full, training and test data sets.

coords <- st_coordinates(resale_final)
coords_train <- st_coordinates(train_data_scaled)
coords_test <- st_coordinates(test_data)
coords_train <- write_rds(coords_train, "data/rds/coords_train.rds" )
coords_test <- write_rds(coords_test, "data/rds/coords_test.rds" )

Retrieving Coords Data

coords_train <- read_rds("data/rds/coords_train.rds")
coords_test <- read_rds("data/rds/coords_test.rds")

12.5.2 Dropping Geometry field

train_data_scaled <- train_data_scaled %>% 

12.6 Calibrating Geographical Random Forest Model

We will now use grf() of SpatialML package to calibrate a Geographically Weighted Random Forest model to predict HDB resale pricing.

gwRF_adaptive <- grf(formula = resale_price ~ floor_area_sqm + storey_order +
                       remaining_lease_mths + PROX_CBD + PROX_ELDERLYCARE +
                       PROX_HAWKER + PROX_MRT + PROX_PARK + PROX_MALL +
                       PROX_SUPERMARKET + WITHIN_350M_KINDERGARTEN +
                       WITHIN_350M_BUS + WITHIN_1KM_PRISCH,
                     ntree = 30,
                     min.node.size = 20)

Saving the model output into rds format:

write_rds(gwRF_adaptive, "data/rds/gwRF_adaptive.rds")

Retrieving the saved model for future use:

gwRF_adaptive <- read_rds("data/rds/gwRF_adaptive.rds")

12.7 Predicting by using test data

12.7.1 Preparing Test Data

We will combine the test data with its corresponding coordinates data

test_data <- cbind(test_data, coords_test) %>%

12.7.2 Predicting with test data

Next, predict.grf() of spatialML package will be used to predict the resale value by using the test data and gwRF_adaptive model calibrated earlier.

gwRF_pred <- predict.grf(gwRF_adaptive,

Saving the output into rds file for future use.

GRF_pred <- write_rds(gwRF_pred, "data/rds/GRF_pred.rds")

12.7.3 Converting Predicted Output into a dataframe

GRF_pred <- read_rds("data/rds/GRF_pred.rds")
GRF_pred_df <- as.data.frame(GRF_pred)

cbind() is used to append the predicted values onto test_data.

test_data_p <- cbind(test_data, GRF_pred_df) 
write_rds(test_data_p, "data/rds/test_data_p.rds")

12.7.4 Calculating Root Mean Squared Error

Root mean square error (RMSE) allows us to measure how far predicted values are from observed values in a regression analysis. rmse() of Metrics package is used to compute the RMSE.

[1] 43687.93

12.7.5 Visualising Predicted Values

We can also use a scatterplot to visualise the actual resale price and predicted resale price.

GWRF_scatterplot <- ggplot(data = test_data_p,
       aes(x = GRF_pred,
           y = resale_price)) +


13 Conclusion

For the OLS method, the RMSE value is 82423.4 while for the GWRF method, the RMSE value is 43687.93. The lower the RMSE value, the better fit the model is. Since the GWRF method has a lower RMSE, it has a better performance than the OLS method.

Comparing both scatterplots for both models:



14 References